E-solutions for better health with FITD and Roche
Pursuant to Article 27 of the Law on Innovation Activity (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia” No. 79/13, 137/13, 41/14, 44/15, 6/16, 53/16, 190/16 and 64/18), the Rules for organizing and conducting competitions and challenges to encourage innovation in the priority areas of science and technology from 20.1.2020,, ,the Rules for supplementing the Rules for organizing and conducting competitions and challenges to encourage innovation in the priority areas of science and technology from 16.03.2020, and 01.06.2020the Management Board of the Fund for Innovation and Technology Development on 31.05.2021 adopted the text of the public call for participation in the challenge:
The pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus contributed to significant changes in the everyday lives of the overall population and further put into focus the health and health care systems around the world. The E-Health Hackathon was created to respond to the needs of the citizens and to facilitate the path to tackling the challenges associated with preventing certain diseases.
Со овој повик Фондот за иновации и технолошки развој (ФИТР) во соработка со Рош Македонија како корпоративен партнер, заедно со Министерство за здравство и Управата за електронско здравство како партнери во имплементацијата, се вклучуваат во напорите за подобрување на здравјето на граѓаните преку поддршка на решенија кои придонесуваат за подобро справување со последиците од пандемијата како и за подигање на свеста за важноста на превенцијата и раното откривање на малигните заболувања кај жените.
The goal of the Hackathon is to encourage and motivate citizens and organizations to think in the direction of developing innovative and creative solutions to prevent diseases and maintain the health of the population in the following two areas:
The proposed solutions should demonstrate a potential for their application in the public health operating systems.
*The list contains only suggestions of possible solutions that teams can work on and it is not restrictive
The proposed solutions can be in the form of a web or mobile application or another form of product intended to solve a specific problem faced by a group of citizens in any of the above areas or to digitize an existing service or improve an existing solution within the health care system. They should be intended for the categories of citizens affected by the aforementioned areas.
The challenge is open to all interested individuals, groups, organizations and companies that believe that they can make a creative contribution to the achievement of the aforementioned goals.
Accordingly, the applicant may be a
If a natural person is applying, he/she will be included in the teams that lack members with the appropriate profile. In order for best results to be achieved during the Hackathon, it is advisable for each registered team to have at least one IT engineer (programmer), a person who works in the field of natural or medical sciences, a designer and a person with experience in running a business/an entrepreneur.
In cases when a trade company is registered as an applicant, it should meet the following eligibility criteria:
In cases when the Applicant is registered as a team whose project proposal has passed the selection phase, the Applicant is obliged within 30 calendar days after receiving the Notice of Project Selection, to establish a trade company in which the founders will be at least 51% of the team members, which company will assume all rights and obligations in relation to the implementation of the Project and which will meet the eligibility criteria of this Article and the overall public call.
The total budget for the Hackathon is 30,000 euros in denar counter value, which is the maximum amount of funds for financing an individual project proposal. The funds are provided in the following ratio: 51% by the corporate partner Roche and 49% by FITD.
The payment of the funds shall be made in the following manner: 50% in advance, after the signing of the contract, and the remaining 50% shall be paid after the implementation of the solution and the submission of a final report.
The deadline for implementation of the projects is up to 60 days. Based on justified circumstances, the Fund may approve the extension of the deadline for implementation of the project for an additional 1 (one) month.
costs for implementation of activities that were previously financed from other sources.
The Evaluation and Selection Committee shall comprise of:
The Committee operates on the basis of a Rules of Procedure of the Evaluation and Selection Committee that is adopted at the first meeting of the Committee.
NOTE: At the request of the members of the Committee, the Fund may hire experts who will provide expert opinion on certain applications, appropriate to the area of their expertise. In such a case, the expert opinion will be taken into account by the members of the Committee in the evaluation of the application.
The procedure, from the receipt of the submitted applications until the selection and the adoption of the final decision on selection and awarding of funds to the beneficiary/ies, consists of the following steps:
In the evaluation of the proposed solutions, the Committee will focus on the following criteria:
The Fund reserves the right to negotiate with the competitors regarding the defining of the activities and the budget details of the project on the basis of recommendations received from the Evaluation and Selection Committee, prior to the signing of the Awarded Contract.
The Fund reserves the right not to award a contract if there are insufficient quality project proposals or the prerequisites for awarding the contract under these Rules and the requirements set forth in the Public Call are not met.
The evaluation criteria are provided at the following link – Evaluation Table.
The selected solutions will be fully available free of charge to all citizens of the Republic of North Macedonia, at least within one year after the completion of the project.The policy for access and use of the solutions by citizens of other countries shall be determined by the applicant.
When applying, the following documents must be submitted:
The overall documentation should be submitted in Macedonian language. The project documentation must be submitted on the forms prepared by the Fund.
The project documentation together with the CVs should be attached to the application form available at the following link: https://fitr.mk/hakatonzdravstvo/by clicking on the“Apply” button..
In case a competitor is awarded a grand, the Fund reserves the right to request other documentation, which should be submitted as soon as possible.
The application deadline for the Public Call is 17.06.2021, until 2:00 PM.
Only those project proposals that are submitted in the above manner and within the above deadline will be considered for funding.
The Hackathon will be held online in the period 25-27 June 2021.
Правилата и процедурите за спроведување, следење и надзор на проектот се дефинирани во документот Правила за организирање и спроведување на натпревари и предизвици за поттикнување на иновативноста во приоритетните области од науката и технологијата од 20.01.2020 година и Правилата за дополнување на Правилата за организирање и спроведување на натпревари и предизвици за поттикнување на иновативноста во приоритетните области од науката и технологијата од 16.03.2020 и 01.06.2020 година.
For all additional information you can:
– write to us at the e-mail address: hakaton.zdravstvo@fitr.mk
– call the telephone number: 02 3145 258
In order to help you prepare the project proposals, the Fund will organize info-events; free technical assistance from experts; and mentoring workshops during the call.
Информациите за овие активности ќе бидат навремено објавувани на веб страната на хакатонот, веб-страната на Фондот, како и на официјалните профили на Фондот и Рош Македонија на социјалните мрежи (Фејсбук и Инстаграм).