People all over the world are feeling the negative effects of air pollution. Recent research shows that almost 90% of the world’s people breathe polluted air, causing the premature death of over 4 million people globally. Fortunately, awareness of the link between human health and polluted air is growing, and in recent years answers to this crucial and ever-present question have been actively sought. The Macedonian company Inform DOO, motivated by this problem, has developed an innovative solution – PURECLOUD!
The beginning of finding a solution to a problem starts with identifying and analyzing the causes behind that problem: what causes it? Why is this happening? Then, on the basis of that data, a strategy for solving the problem is prepared. PURECLOUD is an innovative device that measures micro-location pollution, collects data and stores it in the cloud, so that they can then be shared and used in further studies. Concerned by the seriously high level of pollution, a group of domestic experts and environmental enthusiasts in the past in cooperation with FEEIT and supported by the Fund for Innovation and Technological Development, worked hard to create a device that will provide a detailed overview of reliable data on air pollution. Designed to help environmental inspectors, government agencies and companies monitor pollution levels, PURECLOUD has grown from a hopeful reality to a reality that has already begun to be used in practice.
They say: “Knowledge is power” and it really is so, because to find an answer to a question is always crucial the previously acquired knowledge and insights we have on the subject. The data that PURECLOUD collects by measuring air quality can help much more than just give us a true picture of pollution. They provide detailed information on the cause and amount of pollution, which will be of particular benefit to the authorities and responsible parties to introduce effective environmental regulations in order to reduce and eliminate the harmful effects of pollution.
In Macedonia alone, more than 2,500 cases of premature death from diseases and complications caused by air pollution are reported annually. Excessive emissions from companies, vehicles and irresponsible individuals have consequences for all members of the community, and the responsibility for solving this problem belongs to all, but mostly to the companies and industries that are major polluters, as well as the regulatory bodies that propose protection measures.
Discovering the causes of the problem only points the way, but taking action is the first step towards finding a solution. What PURECLOUD offers as a platform is very useful for answering the questions of who, how and where pollutes, because thanks to GPS sensors it can determine the exact location of the source of pollution. Such socially beneficial projects have wide use and global potential, which may in the future lead to realistic and effective policies to reduce air pollution.