Share with us some information about your company, when it was established, primary activity, current customers or similar, or if it is newly established, what is the structure and by whom was it founded?
Thanos is a newly established company, whose portfolio of services mainly consists of optimizing work processes, and achieving the highest effectiveness in their realization. Through the implementation of specific scientific methodologies, combined with our many years of experience in software engineering and business analysis, we can say that we offer a complete solution for successful business transformation of companies.
Can you tell us more about the project for which you received funding from FITD?
Based on our specific know-how, and the made business analysis, we have identified market opportunities in supporting companies in their process of digital transformation, or more precisely, support for successful and effective digital transformation.
To this end, the concept behind DataMind as a platform is defined. Its use will allow companies to understand how their potential and current customers use their services, and based on that data, companies can make strategic business decisions to improve services.
In a business context, DataMind will enable companies to make dynamic profiling of users, based on the digital footprint they leave with the use of their services.
The benefits of using DataMind are manifold, such as:
-determining ineffective processes, or processes that require more time to complete;
-finding the reasons for the inefficient transformation from a potential user to a real user;
-finding opportunities for future improvements of the user experience in using the services of the companies;
-finding new services and opportunities, based on the observed digital footprint, and many other benefits.
How long and to what extent is it developing? When at the earliest can we expect an MVP from a product available to the public?
The DataMind platform is in its infancy. According to the defined vision for this product, we defined the specifics of the so-called Product Backlog, with defined development completion dates following an agile approach to work. Regarding the MVP, the same should be expected in a period of 10 months, as soon as the development process begins.
How much will the additional funding from FITD help you? In which parts of the project will the finances of the Fund help you?
The funds received from FITD are of particular importance to us for the realization of our idea. According to the needs and the proposed deadlines, these funds will be used in hiring additional suitable persons who will lead the realization of the project.
Is the product / service you plan to develop a domestic or international market? What is your primary target group?
Given the fact that our platform will be web-based and designed for companies offering e-commerce services as an industry, our focus is on the international market. Of course, this expansion of the international market will be realized in appropriate defined phases (by regions) as soon as the development process is completed.