Pursuant to Article 25 of the Law on Innovation Activity (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia” no. 79/13, 137/13, 41/14, 44/15, 6/16, 53/16, 190/16 and 64/18) and Article 9 of the Rulebook on the Support Instrument – Co-financed technological development grants for accelerated economic growth no. 01-2410/5 dated 30.12.2020, the Fund for Innovation and Technological Development on 10.05.2022 announces a Public Call for submission of project proposals for financing under the Support Instrument – Co-financed technological development grants for accelerated economic growth.
The purpose of this Instrument is to provide financial support for technological development of enterprises and private health institutions (“PHI”) for accelerated economic growth, which meet the requirements of the Rulebook on the Support Instrument – Co-financed technological development grants for accelerated economic growth.
The purpose of the support is for the enterprises to create conditions for overcoming the consequences of the economic crisis, achieve accelerated growth, and increase the competitiveness in international markets and the resistance to pandemic and climate crises, by introducing new, innovative, advanced, “green” and digital technologies for transformation thereof.
The support is intended for enterprises and PHIs (private health institutions) with clearly identified need for new technologies that will have a significant and measurable positive impact in one or more of the following aspects of their operations: increased productivity and efficiency, cost reduction and utilization resources, reduction of the negative impact on the environment, better quality and new features of the products and services offered on the market, development of new channels for sales, entry, expansion to new markets or for building more stable and sustainable network of suppliers.
Through this Instrument the Fund provides financial support:
The amount of generated annual income and average number of employees is determined in accordance with the financial statements for the last two years (2021 and 2020).
The maximum limits of the generated revenues, according to which the percentage and the maximum amount of the co-financing are determined, are expressed in Euros and are calculated according to the middle exchange rate of the NBRM for Euros on the day of announcing the Public Call.
THE APPLICANT PROVIDES its own co-financing of 30% (for micro and small enterprises) i.e. 40% for medium enterprises from the total project budget.
Funds received from the Fund on any other basis, as well as funds received on the basis of any other state aid, shall not be considered eligible funds for co-financing by the applicant.
The list of activities is indefinite.
Only the costs incurred during the project in accordance with the approved project budget and realized by the end of the project are eligible for financing.
When allocating the budget per quarters, the applicant should take into account the balance in the distribution of the budget, i.e. the amount for each separate quarter should not differ from the other quarters by more than 30% (thirty percent).
The criteria and sub-criteria for project evaluation are listed in the form – Evaluation table.
The duration of the project can last up to 18 (eighteen) months.
Total budget in the amount of EUR 6,000,000.00 (six million Euros) in MKD equivalence is provided for financing projects under the Public Call for this particular Instrument.
You can download all application forms by clicking on the “Download Documentation” button.
The application forms listed below should be properly filled in, signed and stamped:
The rest of the documentation should be submitted only in Macedonian language.
Until 15.06.2022, by 16.00 hrs.
Should you have any additional questions, write to us at zabrzanrast2@fitr.mk