Co-financed grants for commercialization of innovations
The purpose of the Instrument for Support of Co-financed Grants for Commercialization of Innovation is to encourage increased research and development activities in the private sector, to encourage cooperation between the private sector and the private sector with higher education and research institutions, as well as other forms of cooperation for commercialization of innovations.
The instrument is intended for micro, small and medium enterprises and private health institutions (hereinafter: PHI) who want to develop an innovative product, service or process, alone or in cooperation with another enterprise, institution that performs higher education, ie scientific research activity or PHI . The instrument offers financial support to companies and PHI registered in the Republic of Macedonia in order to develop and implement innovative solutions, including support for companies and PHI with high growth potential.
Support through this instrument will be awarded to projects with a clear commercial purpose that are in the prototype phase (or appropriate phase depending on the type of innovative product, service, process) up to the pre-commercial (pre-market) phase.
Through this instrument, the Fund for Innovation and Technological Development provides financial support, as follows:
- for micro and small enterprises financing up to 7096 from the total project budget, for medium enterprises financing up to 6096 from the total project budget and
- for PHI whose average number of employees is up to 50 employees and whose annual income in the last two years does not exceed 2,000,000 euros in denar equivalent funding up to 7094 of the total project budget and
- for PHI whose average number of employees is up to 250 employees and whose annual income in the last two years does not exceed 10,000,000 euros in denar equivalent funding up to 6096 of the total project budget.
Regardless of the size of the enterprise (micro, small or medium enterprise), ie the realized income / number of employees in the PHI, the maximum amount of financial support from the Fund can not exceed the amount of 325,000 euros in denar equivalent at the middle exchange rate of Narodna Bank of the Republic of Macedonia on the day of payment.
The remaining amount of the total project budget is provided by the applicant.
Funds received from the Fund on any other basis or any other state aid will not be considered eligible funds for co-financing by the applicant.
Eligibility criterion
Eligible for funding under this instrument are applicants who meet the following criteria:
- to be a trade company established in accordance with the Law on Trade Companies and registered in the Central Register of the Republic of Macedonia or to be a private health institution established in accordance with the Law on Institutions and registered in the Central Register of the Republic of Macedonia;
- be a micro, small or medium enterprise or private health institution (up to 250 employees);
- to be in the majority Macedonian ownership (50.1% or more);
- be owned by a natural person and / or a micro, small or medium enterprise (with majority Macedonian ownership of 50.1% or more) and / or an institution performing higher education, ie scientific research activity (with ownership share in the applicant up to 20 %) and in case the applicant PHI is owned by a natural person and / or legal entity whose annual income in the last two years does not exceed 10,000,000 euros in denar counter value and the average number of employees is up to 250 workers and / or an institution that performs higher education, ie scientific research activity (with ownership share in the applicant up to 20%);
- the annual income of the applicant should not exceed 10,000,000.00 Euros, according to the financial reports for the previous two fiscal years;
- not to be capitally connected with another enterprise or PHI where the cumulative annual income exceeds 10,000,000.00 Euros in the previous two fiscal years, except in the case of a capital connection with a higher education, ie scientific research institution;
- no bankruptcy proceedings or liquidation proceedings have been initiated against him;
- to have settled due liabilities on the basis of public duties and contributions;
- no proceedings have been initiated against him for forcible execution of overdue monetary claims;