Public call for financing research projects in primary and secondary schools "Challenge for young researchers # 4 - GREEN PROJECTS"

Based on the Rules for organizing and conducting competitions and challenges to encourage innovation in the priority areas of science and technology dated 20.01.2020, arch. no. 01-514/17, the Rules amending the Rules for organizing and conducting competitions and challenges to encourage innovation in the priority areas of science and technology dated 16.03.2020, arch. no. 01-797/6, and the Rules amending the Rules for organizing and conducting competitions and challenges to encourage innovation in the priority areas of science and technology dated 01.06.2020, arch. no. 01-1662/5, the Managing Board of the Fund for Innovation and Technology Development on 17.03.2021,  announced

Public call for financing research projects in primary and secondary schools “Challenge for young researchers # 4 – GREEN PROJECTS”

One of the goals of the modern education systems is to encourage pupils to think freely and find creative solutions to the problems and issues they face. At the same time, it is important to nurture children’s curiosity about the world in a way that re-examines the pre-defined truths. The purpose is to encourage teachers, students to recognize their abilities, to improve their skills and to cooperate in order to achieve common goals. Only in this way we will be able to rise generations that will improve the way we think, the way we practice our daily activities and communicate with each other.

Preserving and improving the environment is one of the basic priorities both globally and nationally, and also one of the topics that are most often represented in previous research projects.

Based on this, the Fund for Innovation and Technology Development (FITR) and the Ministry of Education and Science (MES) invite you to participate in the new “Challenge for Young Researchers 4 – GREEN PROJECTS”.

  • Research projects should be in the fields of natural and technical sciences. The research process should be based on a “scientific method”, i.e. it should include the formulation, testing and confirmation / modification of a hypothesis by experiment and observation.  The results of the research project should be applicable in the field of preservation and promotion of the environment and biodiversity.

    The duration of the research project should not exceed 12 (twelve) months.

    The proposed research projects should be complementary to the syllabus and correspond to the cognitive abilities of the age group.

    The proposed projects should result in visible results, such as: research essay, project assignment, prototype design, audio-visual material, digital material, etc. Projects whose results shall produce digital material that can be used to replicate similar projects by other schools are especially encouraged.

    Project activities may include a model of remote activities, activities carried out individually by pupils in their home, a hybrid model of remote activities in combination with physical presence and activities in small groups, as well as activities with physical presence that comply with protocols for protection from Covid-19.

The total budget for this challenge is 3,000,000 (three million) denars.

Awards, in form of grants, shall be allocated in two categories:

  • Category 1: Research projects in primary education
  • Category 2: Research projects in secondary education

The budget of an individual project proposal can be in a minimum of 100,000 (one hundred thousand) denars and can not exceed 200,000 (two hundred thousand) denars.

The funds shall be paid in advance, in two instalments, i.e. the first instalment in the amount of half of the total project budget shall be paid after signing the Award Granting Contract, and the second instalment shall be paid in accordance with the dynamic of spending the funds and after at least 80% of the first instalment has been spent.

Certificates for participating in the challenge shall be awarded to all members of the teams from the pre-selected project proposals by the Fund for Innovation and Technology Development and the Ministry of Education and Science.

The equipment procured with the funds allocated for the implementation of the project shall remain in property of the schools – winners of the awards. 

The grant shall include a reward in the amount of 30,000 (thirty thousand) denars per teacher for the successfully implemented project for teachers who will lead the awarded projects and these funds can be used to purchase: personal computer, tablet, printer and/or other type of minor digital equipment applicable in the teaching process.

The Fund reserves the right not to allocate all awards if there are not enough quality project proposals or the conditions for awarding the award in accordance with the Rules are not met.

The call refers to all primary and secondary schools on the territory of the Republic of North Macedonia and to all creative pupils with a desire to explore and who have a special interest in preserving and improving the environment. 

The competitor should be a primary or secondary school which is:

  • established in accordance with the Law on Primary Education, i.e. the Law on Secondary Education;
  • registered in the Central Registry of the Republic of North Macedonia, and
  • to have Decision for Verification adopted by the Ministry of Education and Science.

Each competitor must register with a competitive team consisting of:

  • 1-2 (one to two) teachers – project leaders;
  • – 5-10 (five to ten) pupils.

Through this call, the Fund for Innovation and Technology Development and the Ministry of Education and Science aims to emphasize the fact that every child has the ability to be involved in the process of research activities. To encourage members of our community to think toward nurturing and using these skills, we encourage projects that:

  • Have an interdisciplinary character;
  • Provide an inclusive approach in the formation of the teams (they have equal gender representation, include children with different ethnicity, children with special needs, children of different ages, etc.);
  • Are submitted by schools from rural areas.

The activities estimated in the project proposal should correspond to the research and development activities, i.e. the project proposal should include activities that will test the defined hypothesis through experiment and observation.

The costs estimated in the project budget should correspond to the activities provided in the project application.

Eligible costs for financing are:

  • procurement and/or rental of research and development equipment (laboratory equipment, digital equipment, etc.);
  • procurement of research and development consumables (reagents, electronic parts and other consumables including office supplies);
  • costs intended for promotional materials production, up to 10,000 (ten thousand) denars;
  • administrative costs (bank commissions, submission of an annual account for the designated bank account of the project, costs for publishing a public procurement notice).

Only costs made for activities carried out for the duration of the project are eligible for funding.

The Fund reserves the right to negotiate with the winners regarding the definition of project activities and project budget based on recommendations received from the Evaluation and Selection Committee prior to the signing of the Award granting contract.

In the formulation of project proposals, as well as during their implementation, competitors and awarded parties should comply to the basic ethical principles of research work, as follows:

  • To respect individual autonomy and the right to self-determination;
  • Not to harm humans, animals and the environment;
  • To strive for equal and fair treatment of all;
  • Not to infringe the intellectual property rights of third parties. Evaluation and selection procedure

The evaluation, selection and adopting of final decision for election of award winners is performed by the Evaluation and Selection Committee.

Project evaluation consists of several steps:

  • Administrative verification of the applications (whether the application is complete and in accordance with the eligibility requirements stated in the public call);
  • First evaluation of the project proposal (pre-selection);
  • Selection of the best project proposals (after the presentation of the pre-selected project proposals before the Evaluation and Selection Committee);
  • Signing contracts with awarded schools.

Each project proposal shall be evaluated by the Evaluation and Selection Committee, consisting of at least (5) members, including:

  • Representative of the Fund for Innovation and Technology Development;
  • Representative of the Ministry of Education and Science;
  • Representative from the Bureau for Development of Education;
  • Representatives of partner organizations.

Each project proposal will be evaluated according to the following criteria:



1. Compliance of the project proposal with the objectives of the public call

Most points under this criterion shall be given to those project proposals that shall offer original ideas for research projects that are complementary to the curriculum but are not part of the standard curriculum

The most points will be given to those project proposals that actively involve team members in generating scientific knowledge.

Interdisciplinary projects will have priority.


2. Capacity of the project team

Most points under this criterion shall be given to the competitors whose project team includes members with different motives, skills and abilities appropriate to the activities provided in the project proposal, as well as to inclusive teams.


3. Quality of the project proposal

Most points under this criterion shall be given to those project proposals that have clearly and adequately defined the hypothesis, the stages of the research and development and the expected results.


4. Applicability of research results and dissemination

Most points under this criterion shall be given to competitors whose project proposals lead to results that have the potential for practical application in the preservation and improvement of the environment.

Most points shall be given to those projects that provide activities to promote the results of the project in order to multiply the experienced scientific research process and acquired knowledge, as well as to those projects that shall result in digital material that can be used to replicate similar projects by of other schools.




To apply for the Challenge for young researchers, each competitor should:

  • Submit a Project Application with the Project Budget, completed, signed and stamped in a form determined by the Fund, scanned in PDF format

The Project Application Form is available and can be downloaded from the Fund’s website via the“DOWNLOAD DOCUMENTATION” button..

The submission of the Project application is performed by filling in the basic data and attaching the Project application through the “APPLY” button..

The Fund reserves the right to ask the competitor for additional documentation at all stages of the procedure. The competitor shall be obliged to submit the requested documentation within the deadline determined by the Fund. 

The application for the Challenge for young researchers shall be open until 20.04.2021 year not later than 11:59 PM..

Only those project proposals that are completed in the forms determined for this challenge by the Fund, submitted in the above manner and within the given deadline shall be taken into consideration for granting awards.

The rules and procedures for implementation, monitoring and supervision of the project are defined in the document Rules for organizing and conducting competitions and challenges to encourage innovation in priority areas in science and technology..

For all additional information you can:

In order to assist you in preparing project proposals, the Fund shall organize info-events during the call. Information on these activities shall be published in a timely manner on the Fund’s website and on the social media.

  1. Со колку проекти може да аплицира едно училиште?
  • Секое училиште може да аплицира со НЕОГРАНИЧЕН број на предлог-проекти.
  1. Дали едно училиште може да аплицира со проект кој е поднесен на некој од претходните јавни повици за Предизвик за млади истражувачи?
  • Фондот нема да поддржи активности и трошоци кои се финансирани во рамки на претходно награден проект. Предлог проекти кои биле поднесени на некој од претходните повици за Предизвик за млади истражувачи но не биле наградени може да бидат повторно поднесени од страна на апликантот под овој јавен повик. Со цел изработка на поквалитетен предлог проект, се препорачува апликантот да ги следи препораките за подобрување доставени од страна на Фондот.
  1. Дали наградата од 30.000 денари се дели на наставниците-ментори на проектот или секој наставник добива по 30.000 денари?
  • За проектите наградени во рамки на „Предизвик за млади истражувачи #4 – Зелени проекти“, наставниците и наставничките кои ќе ги предводат наградените тимови за успешно спроведениот проект ќе добијат и награда во износ од 000 (триесет илјади) по наставничка/наставник, средства кои ќе можат да ги искористат за набавка на персонален компјутер, таблет, печатач и/или друг тип на ситна дигитална опрема применлива во наставниот процес.
  1. Дали истражувачкиот тим може да вклучува наставници/наставнички од различни наставни предмети на пр. Хемија и физика или предметен наставник/чка и одделенски наставник/чка или наставник кој не предава природни или технички науки?
  • Може. Се охрабруваат предлог-проекти кои имаат интердисциплинарен карактер.
  1. Дали едно училиште може да аплицира во партнерство со друго училиште?
  • Како апликант може да се јави само едно училиште. Наградата се доделува на училиштето апликант со кое Фондот склучува договор. Сите финансиски средства се исплаќаат на донаторска сметка отворена од страна на награденото училиште. Во активностите на проектот можат да учествуваат различни партнер институции но финансиски трансфери кон партнер институциите не се дозволени.
  1. Дали патните трошоци се прифатливи трошоци?
  • Кај проектите наградени во рамки на „Предизвик за млади истражувачи #4 – Зелени проекти“ согласно спецификациите на јавниот повик, патните трошоци НЕ СЕ ПОДОБНИ ТРОШОЦИ за финансирање од страна на Фондот.
  1. Дали се дозволени трошоци за услуги?
  • При набавка на опрема дозволени се трошоци поврзани со транспорт и монтажа на опремата вклучени во набавката од страна на добавувачот. Дозволени се и трошоци за услуги поврзани со набавка на промотивен материјал.
  1. Како се вршат исплаќањата и како се располага со доделените средства?
  • Доколку еден предлог проект е награден, училиштето отвара посебна донаторска сметка за спроведување на проектот. На почетокот, Фондот на донаторската сметка на проектот исплаќа 50% од вкупниот буџет на проектот. По реализација на минимум 80% од исплатените средства, корисникот до Фондот по електронски пат испраќа барање за втора исплата со прилог банкарски изводи од донаторската сметка и копии од фактурите. По извршена проверка дека реализираните трошоци се во согласност со буџетот на проектот, Фондот ја врши втората исплата од 50% од вкупниот буџет на проектот.
  • По одобрување на завршниот извештај за реализираниот проект, Фондот на донаторската сметка на проектот гo исплаќа износот за наградата на наставникот/наставниците.
  1. Како се реализираат јавните набавки во рамки на проектот?
  • Набавките кои се вршат од буџетот на проектот финансиран под „Предизвик за млади истражувачи“ во Планот на јавни набавки влегуваат во рамките на севкупните набавки во училиштето. Доколку се набавува опрема со спроведување на тендерска процедура, опремата која се набавува преку проектот влегува во јавната набавка, а во Одлуката се специфицира кој дел од јавната набавка ќе биде исплатен од буџетот на проектот.
  • Доколку се вршат набавки на опрема од странство, истото се спроведува согласно упатствата за вршење на платен промет со странство (со пополнување на образецот 1450),
  • Доколку цената на опремата која се набавува го надминува износот на првата рата (префрлена од страна на Фондот на награденото училиште), истата може да се плати преку две исплати. Во тој случај по првата исплата би требало да бидат потрошени минимум 80% од првата рата.
  • Сите набавки се вршат согласно Законот за јавни набавки.
  • Доколку јавната набавка се прави САМО за потребите на проектот, трошоците за јавната набавка кон Бирото за јавни набавки може да бидат признаени во рамките на Буџетот на проектот.
  1. Дали единствениот начин на аплицирање е по електронски пат или е потребно да се достават потребните документи во архивата на Фондот за иновации?
  • За да се пријави на Предизвикот за млади истражувачи секој натпреварувач треба да поднесе ЕЛЕКТРОНСКИ Проектна апликација со Буџет на проектот, пополнета, потпишана и печатирана во образец определен од страна на Фондот, скенирана во PDF формат преку веб-страницата на Фондот за иновации и технолошки развој За доделување награди ќе бидат земени предвид само оние предлог – проекти кои се пополнети во обрасците определени за овој предизвик од страна на Фондот,  доставени на горенаведениот начин и во дадениот рок.