Co-financed grants for technological development


The purpose of this Instrument is to provide financial support for technological development of enterprises and private health care institutions (hereinafter only “PHI”), which meet the requirements of the Rulebook.

The public call is conducted under REGULAR and ABBREVIATED PROCEDURE and refers to co-financing of project proposals up to 30% (thirty percent) of the total project budget, but not more than 10,000,000.00 (ten million) denars per applicant, as follows:

  • for enterprises and PHI whose average number of employees is up to 10 employees and whose annual income in the last two years is less than 50,000.00 (fifty thousand) euros according to the financial statements for the last two fiscal years, financing in a maximum amount of 5,000,000, 00 (five million) denars,
  • for enterprises and PHI whose average number of employees is from 10 to 250 employees and whose annual income in the last two years is greater than 50,000.00 (fifty thousand) euros, and less than 10,000,000.00 (ten million) euros according to the financial reports for the last two fiscal years, financing in the maximum amount of 10,000,000.00 (ten million) denars.

Предлог проектите може да бидат поднесени од поединечен aпликант или од конзорциум предводен од претпријатие или ПЗУ кое ги исполнува критериумите за подобност предвидени со правилникот на инструментот. Поединечен aпликант може да склучи договор за соработка (поддоговор за услуги) за истражување и развој со установи кои вршат високообразовна и/или научноистражувачка дејност од земјата и од странство или друго претпријатие и/или ПЗУ.

The remaining 70% (seventy percent) of the total project budget should be provided by the applicant (funds received from the Fund on any other basis or any other state aid will not be considered eligible funds for co-financing by the applicant).

REGULAR PROCEDURE – financial support for technological development of enterprises and private health institutions (PHI), which meet the requirements of the Rulebook on the Instrument for co-financed grants for technological development.


Applicants whose project proposals were not approved for funding by the Investment Approval Committee, but have passed the administrative review and pre-selection phase, can re-apply to a public call by summary procedure with the same, ie improved project proposal with which they participated at a previous public call of the Fund.

The possibility to apply by summary procedure is valid for all public calls of FITR published in a period of 12 months after receiving notification of the results of the previous public call.

Eligibility criterion

Eligible for funding under this instrument are applicants who meet the following criteria:

  • to be a trade company established in accordance with the Law on Trade Companies and registered in the Central Register of the Republic of Northern Macedonia or a private health institution established in accordance with the Law on Institutions and the Law on Health Care registered in the Central Register of the Republic of Northern Macedonia;

  • to be a company or PHI with a maximum of 250 employees;

  • the annual income of the applicant should not exceed 10,000,000.00 (ten million) euros according to the financial statements for the previous two fiscal years;

  • not be related to another enterprise or PHI where the total annual income exceeds 10,000,000.00 (ten million) euros and the total number of employees does not exceed 250 in the previous two fiscal years, except in case of connection with higher education, ie scientific -research institution;

  • no bankruptcy proceedings or liquidation proceedings have been initiated;

  • to have settled due liabilities on the basis of public duties and contributions;

  • no proceedings have been initiated against him for forcible execution of overdue monetary claims;

  • to meet the requirements of the Law on State Aid Control and the Decree on the conditions and procedure for granting minor assistance (de minimis) that is:

  • not to have accumulated more than 200,000.00 (two hundred thousand) Euros of minor assistance for a period of three fiscal years, including the requested amount of funds from the Fund in accordance with the Law on State Aid Control and the Regulation on the conditions and procedure for granting assistance of minimal importance (de minimis);

  • not to have accumulated more than 100,000.00 (one hundred thousand) Euros of minor assistance for a period of three fiscal years, including the requested amount of funds from the Fund, if the company is active in the road transport sector, in accordance with the Law on State Control assistance and the Decree on the conditions and procedure for granting assistance of minor importance (de minimis);

  • is not in difficulty (a company in difficulty is an enterprise that is unable to meet its obligations from its own resources or with funds it may receive from its owner / shareholders or creditors to stop losses, which without external intervention from providers will certainly lead to short-term and long-term cessation of operation of the enterprise); and

  • not to be engaged in coal production.